Three Out, Three In

Today, I did a seasonal clothes purge. Since I get so many of my clothes at little to no cost, I like to rotate them out pretty quickly, keeping only my most favourite and highest quality items.

One of the best ways to manage clutter is to practise the one in, one out, rule. That is, for everything you bring into your home, you should take out an item. I’m not always good at doing this, but days like today more than make up for it.

There’s a Value Village in Bellingham, where I knew I could offload more than just clothes, so I was highly motivated to make the trek worth my while. I loaded two garbage bags full of clothes into the trunk of the car and added a box of kitchen items. This donation got me a ‘$3 off a $10 purchase’ voucher for the store, plus some stamps for their reward program, the details of which I haven’t researched.

I decided to go into the store to see if I could find a decent top or skirt for $10, hoping that the Value Villages in the States wouldn’t be as overpriced as those in Canada. They are. 🙁 But this store was particularly well laid out and I was able to easily find $10 worth of merchandise: two tops, and a skirt. Two outfits for $7 isn’t a record for me, but it’s still a sweet deal!

Doing this clothes purge had a side benefit: I found a gorgeous teal blue fleece sweater I didn’t even know I had! I honestly have no idea where it came from! Last night, I found myself wishing I had a cozy sweater for wearing at home and going for walks. Perhaps the sweater faery paid me a visit last night?