In 48 hours, I will be on a plane to Scotland. Rather than being exhilarated, I am scared to death! What was I thinking?! But I know the exhilaration is down there somewhere, hidden deep down under this façade of calm (ish) rationality. But I am scared, gosh am I scared! This is really happening. I’m going to Scotland. Me!!! I’m surprised I haven’t fainted yet!
(My mother) has kindly made me pants and shorts and she has lent me (an uncle who travelled a lot and died early in the decade)’s light chlorophyll parka. I’ve got hiking boots so comfortable it feels like I’m wearing nothing. Now, if I could only colour coordinate! (My employer) gave me a travel pillow, the kind for the plane. I was thrilled.
Oh, and I got (my stepmother) to buy me some peanut butter–Kraft, light– I might be adventurous (yeah, right!) But there’s NO way I’m going a month without peanut butter. It’s bad enough that I’m sacrificing maple syrup. (Maybe I could take some with me…) I’m looking forward to good Scottish salmon. I might even try the Haggis! I hear that they have vegetarian haggis, I know, it won’t be the same!
I got £100 today. The £20 and £10 notes are different sizes. The £20 don’t fit in my wallet. I’ve made a resolution: Hakuna Matata (‘no worries’). I’m going to have fun. So there!