Why I Don’t Have a PayPal ‘Donate’ Button On My Blog

I’m frequently asked why I don’t have a PayPal ‘donate’ button on my blog. The answer is simple, PayPal doesn’t allow the button to be used for anything but charitable purposes.  As I wrote in my How You Can Support This Site post, I don’t consider donations to the blog to be charity and PayPal certainly wouldn’t, so there goes the donation button option! Unfortunately, their donate button is the only one that allows the purchaser to set their own price.

I was going to leave it at that, but I’ve gotten a lot of requests for the donation buttons over the years and I’ve figured out a workaround.

As many of you know, I’ve written a number of ebooks. If you go to my ebooks page, you’ll notice that I have a number of ‘add to cart’ buttons. These come from my online store manager. I was able to go there and create a product called ‘support this site’ and get an add to cart button that will take you to a page where you can put in a donation amount and then checkout by PayPal. You can find this button at the top of my updated How You Can Support This Site post.