With my lack of sleep lately, a conversation with Croft, and a recent post by Gypsy, I’ve had beds on my mind lately.
I think I would be a contender for the top prize in a ‘most difficult to make bed in the universe’ contest. I sleep in the bunk over the cab in my class C. I hate the thin, hard mattress that came with the rig, so I put over it my super comfy house-style mattress. This leaves me exactly 23 inches between the mattress and the ceiling. Right over my head, there is a ceiling light that reduces the clearance by about an inch and a half. I cannot count the number of times I’ve cracked my head on it. 🙂 But, otherwise, I can count on one hand the number of times that I’ve sat up in bed and hit the ceiling. It’s cozy up there, but comfortable
I still make my bed ‘normal’-style, with a fitted sheet, flat sheet, and comforters. I hate sleeping in a bag! So, once a week, I find myself spread out flat on my stomach on the bed trying to get the darn inner corners of the fitted sheets into position. Add to that a certain cat who thinks that sitting on the bed and playing with the sheets constitutes helping. 😀
Despite this self-imposed ‘hardship’ I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ve slept in top bunks and lofts most of my life and much prefer that to sleeping close to the ground. Getting up into the bunk is not difficult. I do not, as my friend Croft believes, climb up and down a ladder to get into bed. Rather, I step up onto the dinette bench then onto its back. It’s really no more difficult that climbing or descending a very wide staircase. In the ten months I’ve lived in this rig, I’ve never found myself up there and thinking “Crap, I need to go back down to do x, y, or z”, getting down is such a non-issue.
Sleeping over the cab might not work for everyone, and it would probably be a pain for a couple, but for me it’s perfect. It also has a great perk.