An Employer’s Market

I just got in from part one of the interview process for a popular chain of shoe stores. I have no illusions that I will be going any further in the process, but part one was rather surreal. It involves taking a test with quite the hodgepodge of questions, from basic math to your experience in retail to hypothetical ethical conundrums. The rest of the interview process involves a one-on-one interview with the manager and then a phone interview with a district manager. All this to sell shoes at minimum wage!

The questionnaire was geared towards what I imagine is their average employee base: high school kids. It felt very silly to be answering questions about what I was or was not doing when I was in grade eight when that was half a lifetime ago!

At any rate, I’m glad that my latest round of handing out resumes resulted in an interview, even if nothing more comes of it.