I’m back to where I was in ’08, trying to decide how I’m going to get to the south Okanagan from Banff, and, of course, want to go a different route. I had thought to dip into Montana and Idaho, but there are too many reasons why I don’t want to cross the border with Miranda at this time.
So, I decided to see if I could hit Radium Hot Springs and the Crows Nest Pass in one fell swoop. I put into Google Maps the following locations:
A) Banff
B) Radium Hot Springs
C) Crows Nest
D) Osoyoos
Without asking for any clarifications, this is what Google spit out:
(I particularly like the part where it has me go to Australia and then come right back around to BC.)
At any rate, the Crowsnest Pass is out of my way, but I will be going through Radium Hot Springs and the Kootenays, a route a friend tried to convince me to take back in 08′. Let it not be said that I don’t pay attention to comments!
This route puts me at three easy days to Osoyoos while, not counting today, I have nine days left before I start paying rent. I’d like to divide the mileage up into shorter days and perhaps spend a day or two in another location outside of the national parks system.