Today’s big project is to get the dressing room ready for painting. I had some decisions to make and chose to not paint, in addition to all the ‘oak’-style cabinetry:
-the trim since I’m not happy with it (weird angles, remember?);
-the door into the toilet room and the pocket door;
-the wardrobe doors.
First off was to remove the last super ugly towel holder as well as a hook that has not been useful since I installed the cloth dresser:
At some point in the last two years, a piece of wall trim covering a corner was broken. I removed the whole thing and debated how to fix it. The obvious solution was to get a piece of 90 degree wooden trim, but the rough edge that needed to be covered didn’t seem that bad. I decided to try filling it with wall repair compound. I have a small bucket of it, more than I’ll ever get through before it goes dry, so it’s a cheap experiment.
Finally, it was time to do away with the hideous cloth-covered pocket door lintel:
When I last examined the lintel, I thought it was glued on. Turns out, fabric was glued to a piece of cardboard that was screwed to the lintel. Don’t ask me why; the non-cloth covered version would have looked a million times nicer! Unfortunately, the lintel is made of a cardboard-type material, so the screws created protrusions that are impossible to sand flat. I did the best I could, then filled the holes with wall compound.
Once the wall compound dries and I can sand it, I’ll wash the walls with TSP, then start taping. I should be able to prime tomorrow and then paint on Monday, provided the paint looks as good on the wall as it does on the can.
Before anyone asks, how am I going to paint the wall to which I secured the cloth dresser?
Remove drawers, then lift and clamp: