Amblin’ Around Nk’Mip

While Nk’Mip RV Park isn’t really within walking distance of anything practical, there are plenty of beautiful places to go for a stroll. I especially love the contrast of being able to choose lakeshore or desert.

This morning was overcast and wet and we are heading back into that inclemency, so I took advantage of a brief clear period to go stretch my legs. I picked desert today and remembered to bring my camera!




lots of horses around here

lots of horses around here


Osoyoos in the distance

Osoyoos in the distance






standing on the ridge, looking at Miranda (see next pic!)

standing on the ridge, looking at Miranda (see next pic!)

standing in the same position, but shooting with use of my new camera's amazing zoom!

standing in the same position, but shooting with use of my new camera’s amazing zoom!

entrance to Nk'Mip RV Park

entrance to Nk’Mip RV Park

entrance to Nk'Mip RV Park

entrance to Nk’Mip RV Park