It is getting really cold out there and the rig is reaching unpleasant levels. Forecasts for the days ahead tell me to expect more of the same tomorrow night near Atlanta, but my first night above freezing in memory once I reach Mobile!
Anyway, it was getting cold and had some frustration to vent. The parking lot here is very well lit, so all but the deepest recesses of my battery bank were visible. I grabbed an LED light with an adjustable lamp, took a deep breath, and squeezed myself in to look at the positive terminals since I knew the negatives, near the door, were as tight as possible.
The acrobatics were worthwhile. It turns out the nut on the fuse that links it to the battery was threaded incorrectly. It was very tight, but wasn’t actually squeezing all the connections together. I worked it loose and then retightened it correctly (I hope no one hear all the québécois swear words I muttered as I tried to do all of this while twisted upside down and inside out and half blind). I them reapplied some conductive gel to all my terminals. Finally, I took a reading with the multimetre: 12.6.
The furnace is now running full blast and I am having one of these!