I Forgot How Great It Is To Be on 30A Hookups

I can’t even remember the last time I was on 30A hookups, maybe in Hankinson, and before that was probably in Blaine.

It’s such luxury to be able to just turn on the AC when I need it without having to turn anything off first, or to be able to run the microwave and the toaster at the same time!

The temps and humidity are rising, so I want to leave the AC on for my brood while I’m out. No problem. I would be too concerned about a possible brown out to leave my AC unattended while running it on 15A.

Heading out? The tour folks agreed to pick me up on the Westbank (where I am now, only about 15 minutes closer to the city) if I can be there for 1PM! I want to stop at the Piggly Wiggly first to get snacks. Oh, Piggly Wiggly, you silly named store, how I have missed you. It’s so great to be back in the South!