It’s been two full days now that I’ve had Donna‘s dog Midnight with me. This dog is perfect for me and exemplifies all the reasons why I want a dog even though I am not a ‘dog person.’
I want a dog as a pal to do things with. The cats are great at home, but I love the idea of having a critter to take with me wherever I go, on hikes or in town running errands. I had this idea that if I had a dog in the house, I’d be more motivated to go out and get some exercise. What I have trouble with is getting my shoes on. Once I’m outside, I’ll gladly turn a dumpster run into a 5K walk. Since a dog has to go out regularly, there’s my motivation.
That’s the way it’s been since Midnight came here. We go out for a frolic first thing in the morning, then he comes out and putters with me during the day. I went down to the office for propane this morning and it was the most natural thing to invite Midnight to ride shotgun. He loves going for car rides! After dinner, sometime around nine, we head out for a loop around the park and then we do one more quick business trip before bed.
He is just so sweet and obedient. I can’t stand dogs that are in your face all the time and obnoxious. Midnight’s fun because you can spend time interacting with him instead of disciplining him.
I’m surprised by how well he has integrated into the household. There was no animosity to speak of on the part of the felines and they all respect each others’ turf. He’s not in the way and having a third body to take care of doesn’t feel like extra work at all. He’s not afraid of asking for what he needs, whether it’s fresh water or a cuddle, and he understands “Midnight, go lie down!” the odd time he’s underfoot (I have a small kitchen!).
In short, Midnight’s going to be a tough act to follow should I take the plunge and get a dog. There are some major things still holding me back, smoothly as this experiment is going, and I am actually more convinced now than ever that getting a dog is not a path I’m meant to follow.
1) Full-time commitment
Right now, Midnight’s fun because it’s not going to last and he isn’t interrupting any plans. A dog isn’t like a cat, you can’t leave it at home for a full day, much less a weekend.
2) Life span
I estimate that I have about ten years left with my two kitties. I will have by that point lived my whole adult life with pets and half of my life with Miss Bitha. I might want to try life without pets for a while, especially if I go forth with my plans to do Europe by RV one day. If I were to get a dog, it would have to be an older one whose lifespan fits within that window of time.
3) Cost
Dog ownership is a lot more costly than cat ownership. I don’t think I’m solvent enough to bring a third critter into this house.
I’m really grateful to have this week with Midnight and thankful to his parents for trusting me with their precious little one.