Midnight has been really excitable today and no amount of puttering around outside with me seemed enough to soothe him. So, I finally pulled on his sweater and took him for long walk up the ridge into the desert, out to the main road that leads to town, and back, a distance of several kilometres. When we got home he curled up in his bed by the heater, so I think I succeeded in tuckering him out! Little does he know that a long afternoon walk does not mean forgoing the longish after dinner walk. He wanted exercise today and he’s going to get it, bwa ha ha!
(I’m not enjoying having a dog around. Not at all. 😀 )
It was pretty warm around noon, enough for me to be able to fill up the fresh water tank, but it’s since gone down considerably. We’re entering a stretch of very cold nights and above zero days. Suits me just fine!