Grateful For a Second Bed

I have to share this picture:

I’m glad I have that bit of insulation left from doing the skirting since the chill from that window is significant. Temps are nice and high this week, hovering around zero, but it’s still cold beside a single-pane window! As a bonus, the insulation will block out the light in the mornings.

Before anyone comments, that’s a double thickness of insulation; there’s a silver layer towards the outside, too. 🙂

That mattress is pretty bad and it’s going to be cramped, but I’ve made it as comfortable as possible since I’ll be there for a while. *sighs* Reminds me of my student days, living in one room. I just keep telling myself that at least I’m not sleeping on the floor!

I do have a plan for making use of the loft while it is out of commission…