Foreign RVs

This summer, I have seen many class B motorhomes here in Dawson with European licence plates, most often Dutch and German. It is a sight to behold!

I spoke with one Dutch gentleman who told me that he came to Canada in the ’90s and paid about $5,000 to rent an RV for several months, plus several thousand dollars in penalties for going over the mileage limit. This year, he had his RV shipped from a port in Hamburg straight to Halifax for only about $3,000. There are companies in Germany who specialize in this, dealing with all the paperwork.

The Dutch RVer told me that his rig runs on European 220V power, so he has to rely on his alternator and a solar panel to recharge his battery. This works out well for him and saves him a ton on campground fees since he never needs a serviced site.

It’s no secret to me that people ship their RVs overseas, but to actually see a European RV makes the practise more tangible and reaffirms my desire to ‘trade down’ from Miranda in many years time to a class B so that I can ship my home across the ocean, too. 😀