Weather Frustration

In a bid to open up the rig a bit, I’m going to be doing away with some storage areas inside Miranda. The plan is to do a much needed tear-apart of the basement to get rid of excess stuff and then store there what I won’t be storing inside.

The weather refuses to cooperate for that. Even though I had a couple of clear hours this past weekend, rain was announced for later in the day and I didn’t want to risk having everything out and then getting soaked. And, no, Croft, bringing everything into the house and then back out isn’t an option. 😀

The two big categories that are going under the rig are cold weather gear and blankets. It’s still way too early in my Avoiding Winter Life to get rid of the winter gear, but I really don’t need it on hand. As for blankets, every time I think I have too many, we get a cold snap and I appreciate having them all. I should be able to get everything into the big Rubbermaid bins by doing a major purge of my wardrobe since just about nothing that’s down there is going to fit now. Working thirty-three hours a week on your feet is very good for your waistline even if you spend the rest of the week at a computer!

I also find that my tool storage hasn’t been working out and I think I know how I’ll remedy that. Then, there’s the bucket chairs that need to go, and I’d like to try an experiment: I think I might be able to get the litter box into the basement…

My goal for next winter is to spend it in a dry climate. Damp climates are hell on an RV and I bet the past two winters are going to take ten years off Miranda’s potential lifespan.