A Cozy Nest

Working on the loft this afternoon, I realised that I’ve never taken a ‘while I’m living here’ shot of the ‘room’! It doesn’t look like much, but it really is just a place for sleeping. I do have plans to gussy it up a tad once I get on to the decorating part of the renos.

I love using the old dinette cushions as window coverings. They do need some sizing adjustments, however. Since they do not touch the walls or windows at all, I have not had any problems with them causing condensation problems. The one at the foot of the bed rests on the mattress and leans against the window valance. The two on the long side are wedged in tightly between the mattress and the ceiling and also rest against a window valance. At the head of the bed, I shake things up a tad. I have been storing my suitcase up there since I hit the road and I can’t imagine a better place for it. It blocks the window and serves as a headboard of sorts. I just put it up on some 2×4’s to keep it off the floor and it, too, rests against a valance. The final dinette cushion sits in front of it and I can lean against it to read in bed. Books, writing implements, and tissues rest on the suitcase. I have a light within easy reach and a clock beside it. At night, I pull the curtain shut and in the morning I open it to survey my domain. A prettier and more opaque fabric will be in order when I redecorate; the current one is a bit too ‘hospital’ for my taste!

There are some who might find my nest a bit too ‘cozy’ (ie. claustrophobic) for their tastes, but I love it up there! I just feel so safe and warm. I slept in an elevated bed for most of my childhood, so I think loving my loft is just part of who I am.

Since I took the dinette benches apart I have been climbing up and down using a step ladder and the top of the captain’s chair. I’m really looking forward to getting a proper ladder and that is going to be tomorrow’s project; I’ve even started cutting the wood for it!

A shout out goes out to my friend who crocheted the afghan for me nine years ago (already!). It’ll fit in just fine with my decorating plans. While I go for lighter shades now, my colours of choice haven’t changed a bit!

3 thoughts on “A Cozy Nest

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  2. The cats liked it better when it was easier for them to get a view of the outside, but, yes, they love the loft as much as I do!

    I remove the window coverings when I drive and Tabitha just perches up there and enjoys her 180 degree view of the world.

    It can be very noisy up there in heavy rain, but it is a soothing sound.

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