Boots in the Juan de Fuca Strait

There is no logical or explainable reason for this, but one of my bucket list items was to one day touch the waters of the Juan de Fuca Strait, one of the most contested boundaries between the US and Canada. There is a mythical quality to such places as they provide truly clear borders. Here I am in Canada; there I am in the US. It doesn’t feel like political whim because there is a flowing fence between the two nations.

Even though you can see the Strait from Victoria, I decided to push west a bit to get a clearer shot of it, so Mrs. H suggested we drive to French Beach Provincial Park, where the cobblestone beach is unique. It was a perfect idea and I am once again grateful to have had a local guide.

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

rest area between Jordan River and French Beach

walking down to French Beach

walking down to French Beach

skunk cabbage

skunk cabbage







salmon berry flower

salmon berry flower

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