So Much For Perfect

The Okanagan has done it again. After weeks of above zero temps and a gorgeous forecast for my departure tomorrow, we are now well below zero.

It happened so quickly that my water hose froze before I could fill up my on board tank. My holding tank valves are frozen as well, with the grey being open and the black closed when I desperately need to dump before I leave since I’ll be dry camping for a week. I had wanted to close the grey tonight so that I could build up some water with which to flush the hose after dumping. I’m going to try to heat them up with the hair dryer tomorrow when there will be some some sun to help me. For the first time in three winters, I had a flash of inspiration regarding the frozen water hose and I brought it inside! It thawed in an hour and drained harmlessly in the shower. Why did I only just think to do that?!

I’m seriously POed right now about this weather change. I only needed an hour to get out of here–that includes putting a few things away inside, getting the car loaded up, and taking the rig down for propane. Now, I need to contend with the frozen plumbing. Moreover, it’s freakin’ cold out and I am just about out of propane.

I had hoped to leave around 10 tomorrow, that is pull out of the RV park at 10, but noon is starting to look more realistic. At least, if the sun’s out and there’s no snow on the ground I should be able to do the drive in the four to five hours it should take and I can pull into Tradex in daylight. I don’t know where I’m going once I get there, so I really would like to arrive before it gets dark!