A Time For Everything

This Klondike summer has been not nearly as fun as my first one because it has turned out to be work-centric. But, for once, I am working my tail off and seeing results; the season promises to be a prosperous one! I didn’t have much work this winter and so I got to play, with the renos and the traveling. This summer, though, I’m practically swimming in contracts and working crazy hours to get everything done. It’s a time of Plenty that I know could quickly turn to a time of Not Enough. I’m in squirrel mode.

My plans for the fall and winter are slowly taking shape and I hope they come to fruition in February. I know I’m being coy, but this announcement is too major to be taken lightly and I want to do it properly at the right time. Suffice it to say that all is well in my little corner of the full-time RVing universe and that all will be revealed in due time. 😀