I have been off Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons for a couple of weeks, so I decided to wrangle for tomorrow morning off as well, giving me my first full day off at home since I arrived in Dawson. I was pretty psyched to be off at 2 today all the way to 11AM Thursday morning and had a whole list of things that needed to be done.
Of course, I woke up with a sore throat. I don’t think I’m actually sick but rather in need of some rest. So, I put on a couple of movies I borrowed from the library and did something that only happens when pigs fly: I sewed. I don’t do sewing machines, so the project involved several hours worth of hand stitching after several hours worth of pinning and cutting.
This used to be part of a bedsheet and will soon be gracing the window of the toilet room:
The print has grown on me since I bought the fabric way back in Campbell River and it just so happens to perfectly match three of the colours I bought in Whitehorse. So expect to see more of it. 🙂