A Beautiful Spring Day!!!

WOW! It’s sunny and warm out, with just a hint of a breeze. (In all fairness, yesterday was a beautiful day, too, but I had more important things to do than enjoy it. 🙂 ) The entire park is out and about doing things outside. This weather seems to have also motivated everyone to do laundry. I think I’m 30th in line. 🙁 I would just wash at home in the Wonderwash as it would not be a hardship to spend a few hours outside doing laundry, but there are too many clothes to dry indoors and exterior drying is not permitted.

I finally swapped my winter clothes for spring/summer items, so I have quite a bit of ironing to do. Thankfully, the laundry room provides an ironing board, as did the park in Oliver, so I can continue to keep Miranda an ironing-free zone. 🙂

I took advantage of the beautiful weather to wash the toad, something I haven’t done since I arrived in Oliver!

I also topped up my new batteries, something I had to do for the very first time! I wish I had known during the winter that I wouldn’t need to top them up until a gorgeous spring day as it’s a lot of work. I have to remove five screws and manoeuvre the batteries into position, so it takes about a half hour in a very uncomfortable position to check the water levels. I would have saved myself a lot of numb fingers had I been able to predict the future. 🙂 Yes, a battery monitoring system is on my list of desired items at some point!

My cats have also been enjoying the weather seeing as birds like the cedar hedge behind Miranda. They also like to sit up front and ‘chase’ squirrels to the back by following them from window to window. It makes me think of the portrait subjects jumping from frame to frame in Harry Potter. 😀

(A tip for those RVing with cats: if you’re sitting in the lounge one day and noticing that it’s drafty, check to see if one of your cats cranked open a window in the cab!)

Speaking of windows, I opened a few today (ah, fresh air) as well as a two overhead hatches. I’ll be stowing away the hatch foam covers in my final step to fully dewinterizing the rig.

(There’s a FLY outside one of my windows. Between that and the robins I’m ready to concede that Mother Nature really does intend for winter to be over!)