A Long Way Down the Road of Finding My Better Way

My friend Les of The RVer’s Corner sent me yesterday a link to a blog post. I read the post a few times and have been mulling over whether or not to talk about it here. To do so really does feel like bragging, but I’m so thrilled that someone not only gets what it is I’m doing but also felt compelled to write so many eloquent words about it. Please go check out Brian’s thoughts on Building the RV “Community.”

4 thoughts on “A Long Way Down the Road of Finding My Better Way

  1. Pingback: Tweets that mention A Long Way Down the Road of Finding My Better Way | -- Topsy.com

  2. I just read Brian’s post and I want to send you my congratulations. You deserve all the kudos, and you ARE an excellent role model for any woman out there who would like to try RVing. I would add that men can learn a lot from your experiences as well, so keep writing and keep “doing”.

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