For the past several days, a couple of boat platform thingamabobs with long tails have been slowly making their way down the beach towards me. Today, I caught a massive tanker motoring between them:
It’s not a peaceful last week here as it is spring break so the whole area is teeming with campers and there are lots of kids running around and playing in the surf. But there’s very little shrieking, so it’s only when the generators start up at dinner time and run until I concede that I will have to fall asleep to their lullaby that I get a little irked. The weather is just too gorgeous to regret staying here this extra week.
I’m impressed with the hardy souls running around in their bathing suits, much less actually swimming. Yes, the sun is shining brightly, but the wind has a bitter chill that reminds me we are still several days way from spring.
I can’t believe it’s mid-March already. What a gentle winter this has been.
Hi Rae
Looking at your photo I think it is possible that you may be seeing suction dredges. These work by vacuuming mud off the bottom of the channel and then pump it ashore to a disposal area. quite often the dredged sand/mud is use for land fill. Another type of dredge will store the dredged material onboard and then take it out to sea and dump it in a designated offshore dumping area.
Ken, that makes perfect sense. Thank you!