An Inconvenient Closure

The RV park was closed for three or four days over Christmas, and the same over New Years. I believe they will be reopening tomorrow. This second closure has coincided with a cold snap. My thirty pounder ran out the night before last and I had to keep the rig at 10 from about ten last night to keep from running out completely with the on board. I am irked that it is empty. I had to schlep into town and pay an extra seven dollars for a fill of the small tank.

This cold snap is dragging on longer than promised, no surprise there. It’s a huge pain because I don’t have any water. I opened up the door to the fresh water compartment and put the heater in the entrance well for several hours, but that didn’t do anything.

Thankfully, the projects I’m working on are keeping me busy, but I sure would love a sunny day above zero.