I’ve encountered yet another difference in how things are done in this part of the country vs. in Quebec or Ontario.
In Quebec, if there is a chip in your windshield, the repair is free with comprehensive insurance. If your windshield needs to be replaced, the insurance will cover the work, less your deductible. Glass claims are pretty much routine and rarely affect your premium.
In Yukon, there is no such thing as a glass claim. Insurance doesn’t exist for it and a lot of people drive around with cracks in their windshield. Chips are generally repaired to prevent worse damage, but that’s it.
I learned this when I went to have a windshield chip repaired in Whitehorse. I decided to pay out of pocket rather than make a claim in Quebec and was surprised by how cheap the work was (40$) when I know that in Quebec it’s closer to 100$. I was told that this is because here people pay for chip repairs themselves while insurance companies out east generally pay so the market can support the higher cost.
At any rate, this issue came back today when the Yukon insurance people questioned the two claims on my insurance record, both for glass. The second claim doesn’t seem to be an issue as it was pure vandalism (someone threw a rock onto my car from an overpass), but the insurance agent seemed to find my first claim frivolous. I explained what I stated above, that such claims are routine in Quebec, and added that I would not make such a claim in Yukon. I sent this to her by email, so I don’t know what she thinks. Hopefully, that will mollify her and I will be able to get my Yukon insurance tomorrow!
The logistics in any change are always the most likely to drive you insane, especially when you are dealing with cultural interpretation on standard procedures elsewhere, but uncommon in new local. Won’t it be grand when it is all done!! 🙂
I can’t wait for it to be done! I think the end is in sight! 😀