Another Way to Heat Up the Rig

My rig smells like heaven right now.

Dinner was awash with the taste of north Africa thanks to rice, veggies, and chicken cooked with Taboo’s Moroccan spice blend. It wasn’t my first time breaking out these spices, purchased the Kelowna art show, but it was my first time adding them to rice. The scent was diffused into steam by the rice cooker and has wafted into every corner of Miranda. I added browned chicken, veggies, and raisins to the rice cooker to make a pretty decent imitation of a tagine.

The spice blend has only a faint touch of heat and is mostly sweet, but it is evocative of the desert and a scorching sun. It had a profound psychological effect on me tonight. It wasn’t really that cold and damp in here before dinner, but all of a sudden, it feels like there’s a blazing fire in here. Lovely! And YUM!