Covering Cabover Seams With Eternabond

Eternabond is a sealing tape that is most commonly used in roofing applications. I’ve used it around the skylight over the shower, so I knew that it wouldn’t look great on my seams but it would get the job done. Finding the product in Canada is tough and it is ridiculously expensive when you factor in shipping. I decided to try both the RV store and the Home Hardware here in Osoyoos before caving and paying the $100 to have some sent in from northern Ontario.

The RV store didn’t have any and the lady had never even heard of it, but the detour was worth my while because they had a cover for my porch light, the original cover for which disintegrated when I replaced the bulb early this fall.

The cashier found that $5 for the cover was expensive, but I didn’t find it that bad.

Next, the Home Hardware. They had 5′ rolls of 4″ wide tape in grey, white, black, and paintable!!! The rolls were $12 each, which is more per foot than ordering it, even counting shipping, but I only needed about 10′ and I’d have the product in my hand right there and then. So, I went home and applied it and now my rig looks like crap but it’s hopefully water tight!

I took some videos of the process. I know they’re not great; I’ve never done anything like this before. But the sound quality is fine and I think they are worth their bandwidth so I’m going forth and sharing them.

Prepping to Apply Eternabond

Ready to Apply the Eternabond

Eternabond Applied

And some still pictures:

the problem corner, some caulking removed

getting a smooth seam was impossible; once Eternabond is stuck, it’s there for life

the side seams were easier to make smooth

I want to add more tape to the bottom seam