I had a full day off Sunday and the weather wasn’t great; cold that eventually turned to rain. I decided that it was a stay in day to knock off a to-do list that I’ve been ignoring for months: emptying out all the overhead cabinets (except the pantry ones) and reorganizing everything. It was kind of a funny thing to do when I just got to a new city I’m itching to explore, but it makes sense. Now, I can enjoy my summer.
When I moved in, I essentially put everything where it fit. I knew where things were, but getting to some involved the risk of avalanche. Opening up one of the bins in the dining area was a suicide risk after moving as every time I did so a huge book would fall out!
By this point, I knew where I need things to be and which cabinets are a pain in the you know what to get into (glares at the ones over the dinette). So, I took everything out and put it back in again. It sounds like a huge job, but none of my cabinets were bursting with stuff, so it didn’t take long at all. I was especially glad to get the ones in the kitchen done as putting away dishes was becoming increasingly annoying. I also took piles of books that had been lying flat and put them upright, scattering them throughout the rig. At some point, I might decide to better organize the books, but I have so few of them now and only four places to check, so I’m not sure the exercise would be worth the effort, especially since books come and go.
It stands to reason that when I stumbled into the kitchen this morning to make a cup of coffee on automatic pilot, I had a hard time finding my coffee supplies. Until I remembered that I put them in another cabinet for easier access. 😀
I love reorganizing my home; it’s just as satisfying as moving!