I’ve had problems with the internet service at Pacific Border since I got here, problems that have grown exponentially. I’m now on what amounts to a dial up connection in terms of speed and service reliability. It is very painful! Since internet is not included in the cost of the rent here, I spoke up before rent was due in February and was grateful to receive free service for February. The hosts here are great! (Have I mentioned recently how happy I am to be here?)
The owners were surprised to hear me complain because they claim to be known for their superior internet service… although Mac users report problems with it. Nothing was done about that since Mac users only account for perhaps 6% of their business and the problem must be at their end.
Well, it’s taken a lot of investigating, but the solution to the mystery turned out to be the network encryption key. They use the older WEP-style encryption key, which Macs do not like for security reasons. The solution to make the network function properly for Macs would benefit all users: upgrade encryption to WPA-style. Which they claim to be in the process of doing, but haven’t until now because most of their PC users tend to be using archaic technology. By archaic, I mean the latest junk that Bill Gates throws out, which is light years behind what Steve Jobs has been putting out for several decades now. Just call me a Mac-elitist. *ducks* 😀
Hopefully, the upgrade will happen soon (I was told that it would be within the week) and I’ll be able to get back to my regular online schedule. My inbox is backed up to the moon and I have a dozen unfinished posts waiting for publication. Oh, 20th century internet I have not missed thee.