The flooring saga has come to an end. 😀
I wasn’t happy about the options available at the store, so I spoke to an associate. He confirmed that the pine Allure is back ordered indefinitely and thinks it might even be discontinued. He had a sample to show me and I was surprised to find that I didn’t like it as much as I thought I would have. The knots were there, but the colour was wishy-washy. That left my second and third choices, hickory and rustic respectively, both available in store. I laid out a few pieces of hickory and decided that it was way too dark. That left the rustic, which was now back up to its original price (drat it). Tibbar had made me doubt that choice enough for me to not feel comfortable paying the $54.99 per box price for it.
My remaining choices were limited. There was a dark cherry that was too posh for me, a blonde maple that was much too pale, a honey oak that was too yellow, and the one I finally picked. Get ready to laugh! Tibbar, this is your fault! 😀
Does this look familiar? It should!
When in doubt go with what works and cascade oak definitely works in Miranda. 😀
My decision-making process never ceases to amaze me…
It sounds sacrilegious to replace solid oak planks with vinyl ones, but the vinyl will make so much more sense since the oak is in the two wet rooms. The vinyl will also be a lot less heavy; if my math is correct I’ll be gaining about a 100lbs in carrying capacity.
Since I’m keeping the wood the same throughout the rig, the place won’t look so ‘half done’ until I get around to doing the painting.
So, now I have to install the flooring. It sure won’t be as easy this time around, not with Miranda being full of stuff!
My initial thought was to start in the lounge because that’s the room that needs the most work and is the most visible when I come in. However, I am working on a kazillion different things and need a functional study ASAP.
My current layout has been okay for casual work, but I’m now going to be working twenty to forty hours a week in here and I need to feel less cramped. I am going to achieve this by not only removing the the second bed frame, but also not replacing it with anything. This would give me room at a future date for a filing cabinet if I end up needing one.
I also want to switch the desk to the other side. I dithered back and forth about that when I put the desk in the first time and should have just gone with my gut. By putting it on the other side it won’t be as visible from the rest of the rig, I’ll regain easy access to my electrical panel, and I’ll be able to make much better use of the plugs in this room. I’ll lose my view of the ocean here in Campbell River, but will gain a nicer view in Dawson. 🙂
This is going to be a big job, but it’s going to pay off and I can’t wait to start!
I think you’ve made a good choice, and it’s a beautiful color. I’ll be interested to hear how it goes when you start laying the new flooring. Do you have to pull up the old? I have never taken the first step to installing new flooring because I have slides to deal with, but if I can sell this thing in California I won’t need to worry about it.
If you check out the study and lounge pages you’ll see some pics of the installation of the ‘chocolate’ Allure in those rooms. It’s super easy to do.
I will have to remove all the old flooring, to get an even surface throughout the rig.
Allure seems to have been made for RVs. It’s the absolute ideal product to install in them. I remember getting a comment from someone who had installed it in a rig with slides without problems. The Allure isn’t as high as the carpet + padding was, so clearance wasn’t an issue. The only trick was to make sure the wheels weren’t scratchy so they wouldn’t damage the floor.
Interesting. Revisiting the topic, I had forgotten your earlier choices, but in some things potentially brewing in a year or so in my world, I too have chosen the Rustic. In my world, it is my first choice, and with any luck, it will be on sale when the matter is up for consideration. However, as you already know that the oak is a working grain for you, I too believe that it is a good choice.
I hope it goes well for you.
BTW, my parents put rustic in their house they build down here, and it looks awesome and authentic. I was very surprised to see it wasn’t real wood.
Oh, you have more projects going on???
I actually don’t like the oak grain, it just doesn’t appeal to me at all, but I think I made the best choice for the home I’m in. We’ll see then it’s in!
What’s amazing with the Allure is that it has a rough texture. If there’s knots in the planks, you can feel them. It’s not all like linoleum. I LOVE this product!
My fault…..gulp.
I think it is going to look great. So far everything you have done has turned out so well I can’t imagine this being any different. I look at a LOT of RV’s online and am always drawn to the ones with the wood look floors. Moving the desk sounds like a good plan too.
Yup, your fault! Just think, every time someone is going to comment on my floors I’m going to say I was talked out of my original choice by this reader of mine. You’re going to be infamous! 🙂
I hate carpet, so the choices are wood or tile look. Right now, the rig is reversed, with the wood where tile should be and tile where wood should be. I actually considered putting a tile (slate) look in the kitchen and dressing room, but decided that a uniform look throughout would be better (as well as easier to install).
Infamous you say, gosh, I sure hope I haven’t steered you wrong. I am beginning to feel more than a bit guilty. If you are going to paint everything AND remove the older wood floors then what I said about the flooring not matching the style of RV you have are no longer relevant. I just want you to be happy so please ignore me.
Have you seen the mods this guy did?
I’m just teasing! 😀 I think I’ll be happier with the oak that I would have been with the other choices. I would have been happiest with a pine that colour (I’ve got something about knots!), but this will do.
I LOVE this guy’s mods! I wish I could find that ‘library’ wallpaper.
I have looked and looked for the wall paper and found several “Boarders” with books as the subject and a few wall papers but nothing looks like his does. After a closer look I do think his is a boarder.
Hmm, I think you might be right that it’s a border! There is a definite repeat. Very clever!
I want a chair and ottoman like that. Very $$$. Been watching Craigslist. 🙂
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