Getting Pretty Giddy About Departure

I barely slept a wink last night, but I feel really good this morning and excited about getting back on the road! I’ll be heading out shortly to return the rental car while the mechanics do their final check.

Two weeks at a repair shop hasn’t been the most fun I’ve ever had, but at least it was scenic. There was a lot of noise from the interstate, but it’s been steady enough to not be annoying. I notice the chirping birds a lot more. My cats have loved this location because of the amount of wildlife that crosses the meadow adjacent to the property.

I have adjusted my goal for today from Chambursburg PA to Hazleton PA. It’s a few hours further away, but will mean a shorter day tomorrow. I’ve identified a couple of Walmarts and Cracker Barrels between those two cities and will pull over whenever I’m tired. Reader Lynn gave me a heads up about the road between Scranton and Wilkes-Barre, so I will probably get off I-81 tomorrow and use I-80 to get to I-87. But I need to look at that route more closely, so I’ll worry about that night. Today’s route is going to be fine and I cannot wait to get back out there!