Hanging Out in the Garage

I just spent an hour in the garage with my brood. I just set up a chair, sat down with my iPad, and next thing I knew, I had a purring black cat snuggled in for a nap on my lap. Neelix was happy with a cuddle at departure and arrival.

That my tabby is okay with life in the garage is no surprise; he is completely unflappable. But that Tabitha hasn’t been hiding except for the one time I went in with my mother is very surprising. The garage obviously feels safe to her.

I’m amused that I put her favourite blanket in a dark, hidden corner and that either she or Neelix pulled it out and arranged it right smack in the middle of the garage floor. Even though she can’t stand her brother, I’ve caught both of them happily snuggled on that blanket. Cats, I’ll never understand them. 🙂