It’s a good thing that I’m just about done with the renos because I’m past due to get my life back.
The last year in Miranda hasn’t been all that pleasant. I’ve been in a constant state of flux as I’ve tried to stay organized while my house has been completely topsy turvy. The last month, with the library and loft inaccessible, was my breaking point. I need these renos done NOW so that I can put things away properly and get back on track with my home and business routines.
I just finished doing a major sweep through the rig, putting things in the room in which they belong even if I haven’t come up with a final plan for cabinet storage. Part of this project involved bringing anything reno related to the library. I’m going to do a major sort through everything before I begin work on the front room. I’m really pressed for time, there are exactly two weeks left before I’m slated to leave, but I am sorely tempted to just get this done. I’m pretty sure that if my tools and supplies are in order, I can get the library and kitchen finished in three days. One for prep and final carpentry, one for priming and a first coat of paint, and a second for the final paint job. I’m giving myself a Friday deadline to start the final push, otherwise I’ll let it go until the next time I’m paused. I don’t mind if curtains aren’t finished and if there are decorative touches, like recovering chairs, left, but I’d love to be able to put the tools and hardware back in the basement. At least, I know I won’t have any structural surprises with this part of the rig.
Since I really got into the renos and lost access to some spaces, Miranda’s size has been foremost on my mind. It doesn’t help that I’ve been reading blogs by people living in truly tiny rigs. It’s amazing how a hundred twenty-five square feet or so has gone from being tiny, to being more than I really need. How did that happen?! I’ve conceded that Miranda fits the ‘wanting a home’ part of my dream much more than the ‘having the freedom to travel’ part. But, oh, how I love her! This rig is truly special and made for me.
Now, no laughing at my lack of graphic skills, but here’s the current layout:
I hardly ever use the front room area. I suspect that I will once the renos are done and I refinish that lounge chair. But, for the way I’m currently living, I could really have a smaller rig without that front area, like so:
I would not be happy without my dressing room! That space has really spoiled me! But I really could do without the lounge area in the front since I watch movies in the study and usually read in bed. What the lounge area gives me is an out of the way spot for the litter box and a place to dry laundry. I do use it a lot more when I’m traveling, for some reason, but, truly, it’s space I don’t need.
I’m also thinking about my ‘stuff’ and have noticed that I am more aware of it than I ever have been in my life. I’m constantly questioning if something belongs in my home and if it doesn’t, out it goes! But I still find myself wondering how I wound up having so much and I know I have more editing to do, especially in the matter of my wardrobe. Since my rig isn’t stuffed to the gills, I’m favouring a more organic form of downsizing now whereby I hesitate to replace things unless I really use them and can get the replacement at little to no cost (like my breadmaker). This way, should the time come for me to go into an even smaller rig, I won’t have to contend with the guilt of getting rid of things I spent good money for.
But, first, I look forward to many years of comfortable living in my decadently spacious Miranda. 😀