My electrical system is working perfectly, only it’s not.
I started the evening with a fully charged battery. I ran the furnace a little, an LED light for a couple of hours, and the fridge. Three hours later, the battery monitor says that I drew 6.5 amp hours from my battery bank, which makes sense and still leaves me about 145 amp hours.
I turned on the inverter and the monitor said that it was drawing 4 amps when the inverter shrieked out a low voltage warning and shut itself off.
Amps-wise, I’m fine, but I seem to be having a voltage shortage that mystifies me. My entire system has smaller gauge wiring than specs call for and I have short cable runs.
I am baffled. Even the 300 watt inverter refuses to work tonight, and by work, I mean charge my laptop. If I can’t charge my laptop, then all of my upgrades were made for nothing.
I’m so disappointed. But at least I’m warm, so I guess that’s something. 🙂