Living in Her Car

The other night, I had the chance to meet an incredible fellow blogger. She’s a gal who just a few short months ago was dreaming of a more connected and less materialistic life, of driving an RV to the Arctic even though she’d never RVed before. She downsized, took a crash course in mechanics and RVing, and finally quit Texas, with the Arctic in her sights. She pushed on through fear and the sometimes impassable muddy stretches of the Dempster highway and emerged triumphant at the very edge of the world where a photo was taken of her frolicking in the Arctic Ocean. Her name is Jennifer and she is living in her car.

Our meeting was much too brief, as such meetings are, but how incredible to have met here, in Dawson City! I had a chance to show her a few sights and we talked a little. Meeting her in person was like welcoming home an old friend and a true kindred spirit. It was the kind of meeting where you are grateful for the time you had instead of bemoaning how short it was. Here was the only logical place for our paths to intersect, and they did.

Thank you for coming out on Saturday, Jennifer. I wish you many happy miles!