The tide was especially low today, giving us a lot more beach!
I love shoals like these that have just a shimmer of water over them.
You can see how high the tide came today.
I live here!
When I came in, Dale popped over so I could print some things for her and then we went to the El Velero restaurant so she could buy me a beer as a thank you.
Two beers were only 30 pesos! I covered the tip and also bought an empanada from a beach vendor. They were fresh out of the oven, still warm, and smelled heavenly. A pineapple one was just 20 pesos. The crust was flaky like pie and the filling was akin to pineapple jam. I hadn’t had much lunch, so it really hit the spot. I’m glad I took a chance on one and supported a local business!
Tomorrow is Dale’s last day here before she leaves for Gringoland. I will miss her. đ I’m glad I’ve learned how to ride the bus because I can get to her door and back home again for a mere 36 pesos total. It’ll also be easy for her to meet me at the Mercado or Plazuela Machado. We’re not ready to say farewells just yet!
EL Velero has 2 for 1 for the first hour for RVers! You could have had 4 beers for 30 pesos! Did Dale forget?
We both forgot.
The server said that 15 pesos for beer was their new special, so I don’t know if they still have the two for one.
We wouldn’t have been able to have two beers each anyway.