Rae Versus The Moth

Just a bit of levity on a very hazy and smokey morning…

I have been dealing with a moth for about a week now. It comes out as soon as I go to bed, attracted by the light in the loft emanating from my iPad. It is HUGE. I can hear it coming, its wing flapping being that loud.

When it arrives, it repeatedly dive bombs me, landing on my head, my hands, and my thighs, as well as on the iPad. I have on multiple occasions thought that I managed to smack it because it lies still, but as soon as I go to dispose of the body, it takes off again. Yes, the moth is playing dead. I have determined that not only is it sentient, it’s smarter than me!

It took me ages to go to sleep last night because I was laughing so hard at the moth’s antics. It really does seem to be toying with me. I started giggling as soon as I heard the drone of its wings and then, boom! Impact with my ear! Then it flew around a bit while I tried to smack it, played dead for a bit, then took off, only to land on my NOSE.

I finally shut the iPad and the moth left. I’m at the point where I think it has earned the right to live since it has obviously outsmarted me, so I’ll just consider it a sign that I need to turn off the light and get some sleep!

2 thoughts on “Rae Versus The Moth

    • Glad you agree! I almost fell off the loft giggling last night at the absurdity of the situation!

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