Ready to Pull Out

It’s still much too earlier to get a hold of the insurance companies today and I was given the go ahead to leave Beckley, so I’m leaving. Web reviews for Glen’s Towing, who got my car off the turnpike, are very negative. All I can say is that they don’t seem very organized and their towing prices seem crazy, but they have absolutely no problem with my taking off without paying the towing bill and without having heard from my insurance company. I imagine that’s probably because they have some rights to my car now and could recoup that way, but I appreciate them not being hard asses about this. Paying that towing bill wouldn’t kill me, but since I won’t ultimately have to worry about it, why pay now only to get reimbursed later?

Jody reminded me to grab the license plate off the car so I don’t have to pay for a new one. I don’t know if my new toad will be plated in Alberta or not, but it’ll be nice to have that plate if I do reregister in Alberta.

My plate registrations are due this month. Guess I’m saving on the car, huh?

One thing I forgot to ask the adjuster is if I should be contacting BMO, which holds the loan on the car, regarding the crash. I imagine that any monies I get from the insurance would go to BMO first to clear the loan and I’d get whatever is left over, if anything. One thing that is in my favour is that the car is in great shape and has low mileage on the odometer, so there is a chance that it will get appraised on the higher end of the scale.

Well, I’m off to see if I’m right that traveling without a toad will be a lot less stressful

11 thoughts on “Ready to Pull Out

  1. That was a terrible introduction to WV for you. I heard that insurance and crash rates in WV are very high compared to the rest of the country. People say it’s because of the stupid driving habits of too many – like that tuck that hit you. The garage has your car and in the US the car serves as a lien for recouping any charges. It isn’t unusual to let people go because they can’t do anything about you leaving anyway. They have no right to detain you.

    I drive a van but thought that if I stayed in an area and thought I needed a car, that I would rent one. Owning a car is expensive overall and for sporadic use, renting might be more cost efficient? Good luck on your further trip.

    • Actually, this wasn’t my introduction to West Virginia; I was there four years ago almost to the day! šŸ™‚

      I was thinking over lunch today that for what the car costs me per month, I could travel A LOT in the motorhome…

  2. “Iā€™m off to see if Iā€™m right that traveling without a toad will be a lot less stressful”

    Yes and no. It’s easier to maneuver the motorhome since you can actually do things like back up. But it is harder to run errands since you have to take your whole house with you. We did rent a car a couple of times when we weren’t towing but we had to pay extra for insurance since our motorhome-only insurance did not cover rental cars.

    • Linda, for the kind of travel I did today, not having a toad was a blessing. I like having the toad when I reach my destination, but having it on route is a curse. I think that I’m going to hire someone to drive my car from place to place for me. šŸ™‚

  3. Jeez, I miss a couple days, and a whole bunch of stuff happens.
    Don’t you just “love” tailgaters? Both my wife and I have been rear ended. It’s been a while now (thankfully). The one who hit me (I was driving a used Bell van) totalled her car. She was driving too fast and didn’t quite realise I was making a left turn.
    I only really had to “put on the binders” one time when driving the motorhome we used to have, and was quite surprised just how quickly it would stop. Anyone tailgating would have had very little chance.
    Sure does mess up an otherwise perfectly good day though, doesn’t it? Good to see you’re (all) OK.

    • Bob, I was rewatching a miniseries last night (Chasing Rainbows) and one of the characters says to the other, full of admiration, “God, you lead an exciting life!” I burst out laughing because that’s been the general reaction to my life these past few days. šŸ™‚

      It did mess up the day. šŸ™

  4. Wow, l didn’t read for a couple of days and shit really hit the fan. Glad to hear you are safe and well. Poor Toad. Poor Miranda.

    I’m not usre if you could by a car in the USA., well, l know you can, but you only have so many days to get it plated and insured up in Canada. You wouldn’t be able to get it plated in the USA since you are not a resident. Also, depending on the car and year, you would have to make modifications to Canadian standards (eg. day time running lights) – usually not overwhelming, but does take time and a mechanic.

    Just do your research before you jump on that one.

    • Tammy, I researched buying vehicles in the States when I was shopping for the motorhome. You are 100% correct. There is no way I would be adding that stress to my plate for the next couple of weeks. But I may be able to get through a winter in the US without a toad and take some time to do leisurely shopping, then take it across at departure. It’s still way too soon to think about that.

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