Research, Research, and More Research

Now that I’ve pretty much settled all the questions pertaining to the actual RVing buying process–inspection, finances, registration, taxes, and insurance, I’m delving into these fascinating topics:

  • Roadside assistance;
  • Memberships (to RVing groups for various discounts);
  • Internet and cell phone (a nightmare in Canada, a country that is at least a decade behind the times in this area);
  • Electrical upgrades (ie. Solar Panels and inverters 101, so I don’t have to rely on hookups);
  • Backup cameras;
  • GPS systems.

And that’s on top of trying to understand the gist of how RV systems work, looking into boondocking/dry camping sites on my proposed route across the country, searching for employers to whom I could send a resumĂ© and covering letter asking for short term work, and a host of other things I’m sure I’ll remember soon as I’m drifting off to sleep tonight.

All I can say is THANK GOODNESS I DON’T WATCH TV. For one thing, it gives me more time to surf. But, most importantly, it’s one less thing to research. 😀