RV Park Gouging

One of the most unpleasant realities of living in RV parks is the way in which owners gouge clients by creating ‘extras’ that are not built into the flat fee.

The park in Fort Langley that I was looking forward to going to does this. The rates were attractive, but I saw a note that there is a 2$ charge per pet per day. I was going to ignore that since my cats don’t go outside, but then I realised that since they like to sit by a window, management would know I have pets. So, I emailed back to confirm that the pet fee wouldn’t apply to pets that don’t go outside. Nope. They wanted to charge me an extra 20$ per month for them!!!

I replied that this was ridiculous and that I won’t be staying at their campground.

2 thoughts on “RV Park Gouging

  1. I met a group at a state park in Virginia. I have two dogs. They wanted $5 per night per dog. I travel solo. They would have charged nothing extra for a partner or for children. My dogs don’t bark, don’t use water, electricity or any amenities, are always leashed, and I NEVER fail to pick up after them. When I signed in and paid, I said I guess this means I can take my dogs into the bath houses with me. I got a curt “No!” of course. I asked if I got a reduced price for being solo–same answer.

    I looked upon it as a revenue maker the same as a “speed trap”. I wouldn’t have stayed had I not been meeting other campers. Glad you spoke up with your purse.

  2. I probably made my point, but I penalized myself–the next cheapest park I’ve found is about 100$ per month than Fort Campground would have been even with the cats. :-S

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