Scheduling the Evaluation For the Final Motorhome Repairs

I knew there was something else I had to do today besides, you know, earn a living: schedule a time for me to bring Miranda in for an evaluation of the repairs to be done. I wanted Aviva to advise me how to proceed before doing that.

This was the least frustrating part of my call with my adjuster this morning. She told me that they are not sending another evaluator out. I am to take the rig to get it evaluated. If the body shop guy has the same to-do list as the evaluator did in the US, then we’re good to go. They are not going to quibble over money.

I wanted to give myself plenty of time between the end of my Calgary trip and the evaluation, so I am going in first thing on June 15th. Closer to that date, I will call again and ask if I will be able to leave Miranda there until the repairs can be done. If so, I’ll have enough time to get my cats settled in my mother’s garage, my fridge and freezer emptied, and my office set up in the guest bedroom. Frankly, this would be easier than to pack up, go there, come back, unpack, repack, and go back again. Plus, there is a good chance that the repairs will coincide with the city redoing my mother’s entrance so I would have had to park Miranda on the street for several days anyway.

Now, I need to find a place to have the baseplate installed on the truck. Whew.