So Tired…

And so weak.

I’m well past the drying time for a coat of paint and there is no smell left in the loft. Moreover, the pallets came apart super well, so I’ve put my bed back together, am going to use the dinette cushions as a curtain one last time, and getting a much needed good night’s sleep in my bed TONIGHT. Tomorrow, I’ll finish up with the curtains (got one done, plus the carpentry!) and then it’ll be time for the big reveal!

I cannot believe how long this has dragged on… The days have run together, so I had to pull out the calendar: I took it apart on December 9th, so it’s been a solid month! It’s going to have been worth it, though. The loft is now dry, mould and mildew free, and the humidity has gone down considerably. I’m still going to need desiccant crystals and the dehumidifier, but it is a much, much healthier place and I will probably sleep better now.