Swampin’ 2.0

The owners of this resort live in Summerland (near Oliver) during the winter and come up here in the spring with a trailer full of supplies for the season. That trailer needs to be unloaded and I just happened to arrive on the same day as it did….

And that’s what I did this afternoon, hauled all sorts of things, all the food and flotsam and jetsam you need to get by for a season in a self-sufficient manner. They have at least one more day of work for me, so I’ll be in Watson Lake at least through Monday.

So far, the Yukon is exactly the place I was told it would be, as is the employment situation. 🙂

After our shift, their son took me for a short walk to see a lake he found on the property some years ago:

Lee's Lake

Lee’s Lake

I’m exhausted, sore, and in dire need of a cold beer, but boy does it feel good to have done an honest day’s labour!