There’s Beginner and Then There’s Complete Novice

After a year on the road, I consider myself an advanced beginner RVer. Today,  I met someone who made me feel like a pro. I feel awful blogging about this because it’ll seem like I’m making fun of the poor person, but this question really took the cake:

“I’m on a full hookup site. Is the hole in the ground by my site for dumping dish water or the toilet and where do I dump the other tank?”

In case any other very newbie RVers are reading this, unless otherwise specified a ‘full hook up’ site includes a sewer connection into which you can dump both your black (toilet) and grey (dishwater) tanks.

And, please, use a hose and not a bucket…

8 thoughts on “There’s Beginner and Then There’s Complete Novice

    • I’ve never heard of being able to dump one or the other! Full hookups usually means that you have power, water, and your own sewer dump. If you don’t have a sewer dump at your site, then there’s usually one in the park and you’re on partial hookups or just a power and water site.

  1. One thing I have discovered is that when you are at a partial or non hook-up site, and especially when it is a low rain season, “the powers that be” don’t usually mind if you just drain your grey or “dishwater” right on the ground, as long as it runs away from active foot zones. Afterall, soapy water is good for bug control, and who would give you flack for watering the flora of the area?! You just have to be sure that the black or “toilet” valve is shut.

  2. I have yet to encounter a park that let’s you dump your grey water on the ground seeing as it is illegal to do so and they don’t want to risk getting fined.

  3. Interesting. Perhaps I just haven’t been around when anyone with authority has had issue. I have seen a few others do it before I did, but better safe than sorry I suppose.

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