Two Years on the Road

So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key.
(the Eagles)

Two years on the road…

I think that if anyone knew the full story of some of the things that have happened over the past twenty-four months, they would be shocked that I have made it this far. I have survived bad employers, negative cash flow, a life threatening incident, and crushing loneliness. Why do I continue to persevere at making this life work when it is obviously so difficult?

Because it gets better every day. Because it lets me see wonderful places and meet amazing people. Because it does not leave time for boredom. Because it constantly challenges me. Because it has so much to teach. Because it gives me something to share. Because it is my calling; this is without a doubt what I am supposed to be doing with my one wild and precious life.

I thought that my second year on the road would be much more sedate than the first, but this was most certainly not the case! It started with a literal bang (of brake components failing) that taught me to slow down and be more present, paused on an island where I did my interior, took me back to the Klondike and past the Arctic Circle, before circling back to the beginning. I finally got my internet independence, made some serious progress in self-employment (the biggest of which still can’t be revealed!), and became a seasoned RVer.

My goals for year three are both general (to continue this upward trend) and specific (to add at least two more states to my list). Otherwise, I’m happy to see where the road will lead me now that I have checked so many of my expectations.

Thank you, once again, to all my wonderful readers, from those who have been with me from the start to those I picked up along the way.

Our truest life is when we are in dreams awake.


You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one.

(Henry David Thoreau)