My computer battery ran out of juice mid-afternoon. I was going to recharge it with the house battery since it’s sunny out and the solar panel compensates for the computer’s draw. Then, I realised that there’s a Starbucks across the parking lot. I bought a Venti-sized drink to give myself as much legitimate time as possible at the café and stayed forty-five minutes, long enough to buy me 3.5 hours of computer time. I pulled this same trick earlier this summer when I was camping in Whitehorse and needed a place to plug in my camera.
I didn’t even use their wi-fi; my aircard is just so speedy down here. I need to start watching my bandwidth usage now that I can stream video and download at warp speed!
(I do have to say that surrounded by netbooks and 13″ laptops, I came to realise just how big a 17″ model is!)