Video Tour of a 2000 Glendale Royal Classic

Wow, this is the first time I’ve found a video tour for a Royal Classic, and it is almost identical to mine!

The differences are barely notable:

-No over cab window across the front (improvement)

-My awning is recessed

-Mine had a less offensive colour scheme before I redecorated!

-I have a single door above the sink. I’m glad that they decide to use up all the space and make a wider cabinet. My setup has a ton of wasted space.

-I had two chairs with a bar between them instead of a sofa. I think the sofa makes the lounge too crowded.

-I don’t have the entertainment centre above the cab.

-The fridge is bigger (I had room to make a cabinet above mine).

-I had two twin beds with overhead cabinets.

Otherwise, the rig is IDENTICAL. So if you’ve been wanting a video tour of Miranda, this is pretty much what she was like before I took her apart.