I just got back from happy hours (yes, plural) at my neighbours who sold me my property. I am going to call them Caroline and Charles from now on, all though that is not anywhere near their real names. Points to those who get why I picked those names.
Caroline, Charles, and I are kindred spirits. There is just no other way to describe it. We have similar values and attitudes towards life. They actually came to Saskatchewan in horse drawn covered wagons! I am blessed to have them here. This village will feel like home thanks to them.
I enjoyed way too much homemade white wine, venison salami, and cheese as we gabbed. Another neighbour, let’s call her Laura, came over at one point to join us. I now have access to showers and washing machines. Laura works ‘in town’ and said I am welcome to grab her house key from Caroline and use her facilities during the day!!!
I was sent home with a box of giant parsnips (will share a picture when I’m on a faster connection as they are weapon-sized) and two pallets to use as a front porch. I was also invited to a horse-related event in July (that sounds fun enough to pull me away from Stettler) and warned that my handywoman skills will be put to good use later this summer when Charles and Caroline start working on their addition, so I don’t need to worry about monetarily paying them back for using anything they offer me.
Caroline told me that folks here often find graineries (I think that’s the word), skeleton buildings made of fir that folks clad with plywood and turn into sheds. Charles is going to look for one as he’s always out and about doing pest control and said that I could likely pay a bachelor with a meal and some beer in exchange for having it brought out to me. I visited one of their’s and it would be more than just a shed once finished. It would have the potential to be a sweet little cottage, exactly what I envisioned having one day on this lot.
This village, or, rather, hamlet, feels like such a different place than it was this morning. I have to return a dolly to Caroline tomorrow and was told there’s always coffee on. I am going to learn to play Canasta on Friday night at Laura’s. Suddenly, I belong.
This place truly is my Haven.
That’s Western Canada for you, people are friendly and helpful.
Things are coming together for you.
By the way, I have relatives living west of you, in Mankota. We have spent time there on several occasions. so I know the lay of the land.
Norma, this is a completely different reception to the one I got when I bought my place in the Gatineau Hills.
Mankota is indeed two hours west of me!
Now, if a cheque for, oh, $10,000 were to land in my mailbox, then I would say that things are truly coming together. 🙂
Welcome HOME! You sound so much different than when we saw you 10 days ago. I’m so glad things are looking so good for you at your new home.
P.J., there was a lot of uncertainty 10 days ago. This place is no more home than it was when I didn’t know it, but it feels like a safe port, a haven.
Of course! Little house on the prairie by Laura Ingalls Wilder! When our girls were still in grade school we took a LIW journey to the places she lived in Wisconsin Minnesota and South Dakota. In a rented RV no less! It was great fun!!!!
Pam, that’s it! 🙂 I was tempted to go to De Smet on the way north, but with the number of disasters piling up, a detour felt like a foolish idea.
Re: graineries – check these out: https://www.google.ca/search?q=grainery+homes&newwindow=1&client=firefox-beta&hs=opB&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=KV-UUdrVAo3VigKbhoCACQ&ved=0CAoQ_AUoAQ&biw=1366&bih=639
I think you’ll like canasta too. hours of family fun are in my past with that game! 🙂
Donna, Caroline and Charles’ home is a bunch of graineries stuck together!
I looked up canasta and it looks scary!
A fruitful “Happy Hour”!
Indeed, Croft. Except for the hangover, the first of my life. That homemade hooch was sneaky! 😀
Glad you are finding a congenial community.
I learned to play Canasta before my hands were big enough to hold all the cards. I’m hoping that knowledge will make you feel more confident. 🙂