It’s been three months since Bell Mobility sent me yet another Mifi device and that one has also bit the dust, right on schedule. I spent almost an hour on the phone with Bell this afternoon, most of it wasted after I got disconnected by them (I was in town, so it wasn’t my connection) and the people I had spoken with hadn’t taken notes. *sighs*
Bell’s position is that my warranty is expired, so if I want replacement devices until the end of my contract, I have to pay for them. I asked about canceling my contract (11 months left on it) and they said sure, with a steep penalty. I forget the exact amount, but it’s more than the total $110 in minimum monthly payments that I will pay if I ride out the contract.
My position is that if they’re going to lock me into a contract, they should provide me with a device that works. It’s not like I keep losing or dropping them! If they can’t do that, then they should allow me to cancel without penalty and go to Novatel for the cancellation cost. Needless to say, they weren’t hearing me very well.
They acknowledge that the device is crap and that they have nothing else to offer me for my current plan and told me that I should take my fight to the manufacturer, Novatel. Oh, you mean the company that is impossible to reach?
Not only has my Mifi died, but the SIM card has taken a lot of abuse from being pulled in and out of all the Mifis I’ve had and is no longer work. Bell said I could have a replacement at no charge and are sending one out tomorrow. I told them that I will be using it in a friend’s device.
What Bell doesn’t have in its notes is that they have one really good supervisor on their team who sent me an extra Mifi several months ago. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!
So I have a backup unit that I can use with the new SIM card. That should get me through till I leave in October, with about eight months left on the contract. Since I’m going to Mexico, I was already resigned to paying the minimum service fee over the winter, working device or not. When I get back next spring, the contract will have come due and I’ll be able to cancel without penalty.
Score one for the little guy.
Fulltime RVers seem to have two main problems: internet connection and health care. We were lucky in having retirement healthcare until Medicare kicked in but the internet challenge continues to be a zoo. I wish you well as you figure out what to do next.
I’m using my iPhone with an unlimited data plan from Sasktel, which is as good as it gets in the mobile internet world right now. Bell didn’t believe me about my unlimited data plan, that how’s rare they are. So while I’m not thrilled with my iPhone, I’m very happy with my plan!
Bell? I am not happy with them, either! I pray things will work out well for you. Blessings, Lynn
I have actually been very happy with the service I’ve gotten from Bell. It’s not their fault that Novatel built a bad product. I bet that if I were to fight harder, I’d be happy with the resolution, but since I’m getting a better deal with Sasktel, it’s not worth pushing the issue.
Bob, mysterious is good, but using a name is even better. 😀
Over the last several years since we left Bell, I’ve had countless “wonderful offers” to try and entice me to go back with them. No dice.
I seem to recall that I told the last person who tried to convince me to go with their then new “Vibe” scheme, that I wouldn’t return as a Bell customer, even if the service was offered for free for the next decade. Only because their customer service is so deplorable. I simply wouldn’t want the hassle of having to even talk to them.
Good luck.
Seems I only put a “b” there. Didn’t mean to be mysterious.