Bug Out

This afternoon has reminded me of the M*A*S*H episode where the 4077th moved across the road. 🙂

My charging situation is really dire. The batteries are now around 70% and I just can’t get them up. I’m on the computer all day for work and Miranda has been parked between some trees with increasingly thick foliage. We also haven’t had full sun in eons.

So I decided this afternoon that spongy ground be damned, I had to get out into the open part of the lot.

Of course, the minute I got back in the rig after, the clouds came in and it started to rain. *sighs*

But hey, at least I get a nice view from the back of the rig now! And the neighbour’s shed is much more attractive than his kitchen patio door.

And, hey, I think the sun’s come back out…

3 thoughts on “Bug Out

  1. I know what you mean, I moved from one place in the camp host spot to another to get more sun on my panels a couple of days ago. One problem is it isn’t level, and I can’t raise the back enough to get it so. Another is the location of the dump connection, I’ll either need to get a longer hose or move every few weeks to dump.

  2. Looks like a great lot, I always love to see your videos anyways. 🙂 Here’s hoping the ground firms up and that the sunshines as much as you need.

    • Thanks Nicole!

      (sorry for the late reply, for some odd reason this one made it to the spam folder; thank goodness I caught it!)

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